Sustainability Fellows

If you care deeply about environmental justice, global climate change, systemic pollution, building more resilient communities, or other sustainability-related topics and you would like to be an active participant in developing solutions to today's problems, please consider joining the Sustainability Fellows Program. The Sustainability Fellows Program provides students with the opportunity to develop and implement sustainability projects for the campus and surrounding community. As a Fellow, you will serve as a peer leader, have input into the types of projects the Office of Sustainability will pursue, help create and promote events and programming to educate other students about how to live more sustainably, and learn how to design, develop support for and manage different types of projects. 

Working in a team coordinated by a SustainabiliTEAM Leader, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with campus departments, student organizations, faculty and community groups to implement a project, plan events or work on Office of Sustainability communications. Some projects that our teams have worked on in the past include designing and piloting new recycling bin signage, working with Dining to establish a Mostly-meatless Mondays program, hosting educational events and outside speakers, and building lighting efficiency upgrades. As you gain more experience as aFellow, you’ll have the opportunity to propose new projects.

All Fellows are expected to attend an orientation at the beginning of each semester, attend monthly All-Office Meetings, participate in the Office of Sustainability’s end-of-semester open forums, and work on a project team.

You can join the Sustainability Fellows Program at any time throughout the year. Submit this interest form so we can match you with one of our teams and we'll be in touch shortly. We’d love to work with you!

SustainabiliTEAM Leaders

All active projects are lead by a paid SustainabiliTEAM leader. Each semester, Team Leaders will be selected from the pool of eligible Sustainability Fellows. Requirements to become a Team Leader include having served as a Sustainability Fellow for at least one semester and having completed the SUS 293 Applied Sustainability Seminar. 

In addition to coordinating the work for their project team, the SustainabiliTEAM Leaders are required to attend bi-weekly Team Leaders Meetings, attend monthly All Office Meetings and present at the Office of Sustainability’s end-of-semester open forums.