Kristin Pfefferkorn

Kristin Pfefferkorn

Associate Professor Emeritus of Philosophy

With Connecticut College: 1982-2017

B.A., Hunter College
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D, Yale University


Philosophy of art and architecture

Philosophy of film

Feminist philosophy

19th and 20th-century continental philosophy

German Romanticism

Ms. Pfefferkorn's philosophic interests and teaching are primarily concerned with issues of cultural expressions. She retired from teaching in December, 2017.

Such as:

  • What is the nature and significance of art?
  • What role does art or literature play in our self-understanding?
  • What is the aesthetic nature of films and how does that nature shape the existential effect films have on the viewing public?
  • How do films and other pop-culture products influence our view and understanding of the moral nature of human beings?
  • How does our knowledge of other cultures and their art, literature, and philosophy enhance or influence our knowledge and understanding of our own cultural perspectives, beliefs, and preferences?
  • How is our understanding of gender differences shaped by cultural assumptions and their, often traditional, expressions in the arts and the media?
  • And, finally, how does the nature of language, particularly in its metaphoric form, shape our view of the world and of what we think we know about it?

In 1975 Ms. Kristin Pfefferkorn received her Bachelor of Arts degree magna cum laude from Hunter College, New York, N.Y. In 1976 she was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa chapter of Hunter College. In 1979 she received her master’s degree in philosophy, and in1984 her doctoral degree in philosophy, both from Yale University.

Ms. Pfefferkorn’s book, Novalis: A Romantic’s Theory of Language and Poetry, was published by Yale University Press.

Visit the philosophy department website.

Majoring in Philosophy.

Contact Kristin Pfefferkorn

Mailing Address

Kristin Pfefferkorn
Connecticut College
Box #5504
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320