Kathleen McKeon

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

With Connecticut College: 1987-2023

B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute
M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State University


Computational graph theory


Algebraic graph theory

Probabilistic combinatorics

Algorithms and analysis

Kathy McKeon's course offerings include Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory, Probability, Mathematics and the Natural Sciences, Calculus I, and individual studies with student research in graph theory.

Professor McKeon is a member of the American Mathematical Society, Association for Women in Mathematics, Mathematical Association of America, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics Activity Group, and is an Associate Fellow of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications.

Her recent work has been with two graph theorists at the Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, on a graph coloring project on rainbow colorings. This involves coloring the edges of a graph so that each pair of vertices is joined by a path in which all edges are assigned different colors.

The research resulted papers, "Rainbow Connection in Graphs," published in Mathematica Bohemica; and "The Rainbow Connectivity of a Graph," in Networks.


"An Introduction to Generating Functions: combinatorics, graph theory and a little analysis," in the Mathematics Seminar 495 at Connecticut College and similarly at Bucknell University.


"Sum-Saturating Labelings of Trees," Congressus Numeratium 182 (2006) 79-85.

Visit the mathematics and computer science department.

Majoring in Mathematics.

Contact Kathleen McKeon

Mailing Address

Kathleen McKeon
Connecticut College
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320


309 Fanning Hall