Alan Bradford
Professor Emeritus of English
With Connecticut College: 1964-2006
Although officially retired in June, 2006, Professor of English Alan Bradford returned to teach one course each semester for the next two years. In the fall of 2006 he taught "English Country House," the interdisciplinary course he designed with the help of a grant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation.
While with the College, Professor Bradford taught regular courses in Advanced Shakespeare, Metaphysical Poetry and Renaissance Drama.
A former chair of the English department, Professor Bradford also served as the Associate Director for Academic Programs for the Toor-Cummings Center for International Studies and the Liberal Arts and was Chair of the International Studies Committee from 1990-93, after having served on the committee that designed the CISLA Certificate Program and helped create the center.
As chair of the Educational Planning Committee for the College from 1992-94, he led that committee in proposing changes in the College's program of General Education (including the freshman tutorial program) that were subsequently adopted by the faculty.
Contact Alan Bradford
Mailing Address
Alan Bradford
Connecticut College
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320