Degree Works 

An academic advising tool to monitor progress toward degree completion. Find Degree Works at or in CamelWeb.

USER GUIDE  Degree Audit Explained

FORMS  Major/Minor/Pathway/Center Forms


Degree Works isn’t working. What do I do?

If trying another browser doesn’t fix the issue, please open a Web Help Desk ticket in CamelWeb from Getting Things Fixed. The request type is Specialised Applications, then select Degree Works. If it's a data issue, please see "I think my audit is wrong".

My audit progress bar says 98%? What's wrong?

Nothing is wrong, you just have coursework still in progress. Once all coursework is succesfully completed and graded the progress bar will display 100%.

My audit progress bar says 100%. Does this mean that I can graduate?

Final confirmation of completion of all requirements is subject to department and Registrar approval.  Please contact your academic adviser or your class dean for assistance in interpreting your audit.

How do I declare or change my major, minor, or concentration?

You must complete and return a Declaration of Major or Minor form.  Once the information has been manually entered into Banner, you'll see it in Degree Works.

How do I view a copy of my academic record?

Click on the three vertical stacked dots in the top righthand corner of the audit for access to your "Class History". Please note that the Class History is not an unofficial transcript and has no student identifying information. Unofficial transcripts can be accessed and printed from your Student Profile in Self Service. Access your Student Profile from the Student menu in Self Service or from the Academics menu in CamelWeb.

How do I contact the Registrar’s office?

Email or stop by Fanning 105.

I think my audit is wrong. What do I do?

Here are common issues and solutions. Please contact your adviser or the Registrar’s office for more help.

  • My major/minor/concentration is wrong or missing. Complete a Major/Minor Declaration form, get signatures, and return the form to the Registrar’s office. Once the information is hand-entered into Banner, Degree Works will show the change.
  • The requirements are wrong. Look at the catalog term in the blocks on your audit. Connections requirements use the catalog with the year you enrolled. Major(s)/minor(s) requirements use the catalog year you declared the major/minor. If you believe the wrong catalog is displayed, please contact the Registrar’s office.
  • My transfer or study away work isn’t in the right place. If the course has been approved for a Connections requirement, please contact the Registrar’s office. If the course should be used for your major or minor, contact your adviser and submit a Major Minor Course Exception Form.  
  • My adviser or department chair gave me permission to substitute a course, but it’s not showing. Contact your adviser and submit a Major Minor Course Exception Form. Once the information is manually entered into Banner, Degree Works will show the change.
  • A course is not appearing in the right place. Degree Works uses an algorithm to determine the best fit for each course. When multiple possibilities exist, the course may not appear where you were expecting it to. Please contact the department or program for questions about a course in the major/minor or the Registrar’s office for questions about Connections courses or electives. For College-wide requirements, Degree Works performs a best fit analysis based on the courses a student has taken up to that point. (For example, a course that is listed under both Mode B and Mode E may be placed under Mode B). Sometimes a course may be automatically moved to a different requirement once the student enrolls in other courses. To avoid unnecessary paperwork, the Registrar's Office asks that students wait to request any related changes to their degree audit until their senior year. 

How do I calculate my major GPA? 

Please contact your department for details on calculating your major GPA. Degree Works displays a GPA in your major block. It's a starting point as it does not include all possible coursework that could be used toward your major requirements. Additional information about major GPA calculation for Academic Honors can be found here.